The arrival of a newborn is undoubtedly a very exciting time. You finally get to meet your little person after all those months and find out exactly who they look like! Are they Dad’s double? Or maybe they’re Mummy’s ‘mini-me’?However, it can be easy to forget these precious first moments when life becomes a blur of feeding, changing nappies and realising that sleep is, at least temporarily, a thing of the past. Luckily, I’m here to help with my natural newborn, or baby-led photography sessions.
Opting for a professional photographer to capture your new arrival is the perfect way to preserve those memories forever. I can transform all those emotions that you feel when welcoming your newborn into the world into beautiful heirloom photographs you can display pride of place in your home. These sessions can take place at my studio, in the hospital or in the comfort of your own home. With any option, they are tailored specifically towards you and your baby.
One of the main differences you’ll likely notice is that when it comes to natural newborn photoshoots, baby is in charge! I will be focusing solely on your little one in all their glory. There’s no awkward posing, no additional props and no requirement for them to be awake or asleep either. I’ll shoot your newborn exactly as they are in the moment, giving the finished images a truly authentic look and feel….because they are!

The lighting I use for natural newborn sessions will also be carefully chosen. The more natural light available the better – this type of light is ideal for capturing the delicate tones in baby’s skin, whilst also reflecting the calming and gentle atmosphere.
Finally, unlike other newborn styles, I shoot my newborn sessions in neutral colours on a white background. This allows me to focus on baby and gives the images a timeless feel – with no bright colours or colour themes, these photos won’t lose their appeal for many years to come. They really do add the wow factor to wherever they are displayed, becoming a focal point in any room….not that your baby should matcher your décor!...But, they wont date, they wont clash with your walls and you’ll be able to move them into different spots in your home over time, should you wish.
Of course, I know that when it comes to booking a date for your newborn session there’s a few unknowns that need to be taken into account. Timing wise, I recommend booking during pregnancy..any time after your 20 week scan. I carrying out newborn sessions around 2/3 weeks of age, although anytime up to 6 weeks old is fine, during the last year of lockdowns galore, I have been shooting newborn session as old as 10/11 weeks old. The beauty of this style of shooting is that we can shoot the same newborn style on older babies. I’ll use your due date as a rough guide – I’ll reserve time in the diary both 2 weeks either side of this date, so we’ve got all bases covered! Then all you need to do is get in touch and let me know when your little one has made their appearance and we can go from there.

If you’d like to find out more about these sessions, please get in touch.
You can also follow me on my social media pages to see examples of my previous work and find out more about me too.
I can’t wait to hear from you!
If this is the first page you’ve landed on, my name is Seona, I’m a newborn and family photographer based in Glasgow west, let me know if I can help you! ...head over to the contact page here.